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  • Writer's pictureBlue Bartender

Give more than you take. Stay in Control

This was one of the many things that tipped me over the edge before I decided to take the plunge and go it alone. So let's talk about it.

Set the scene -

#Lockdown1 is over.

The Pubs/Restaurants are back open.

#RishiSunak threw the grenade at the economy that was #EOHO.

We were probably 2 weeks in so Mental Health as a whole with in the industry was probably at all time low.

Staff were pretty burnt out.

I was off Furlough but had a "reduced hours" contract, that was obviously bullshit.

I still had some #FitnessMomentum and finally got #BackIntoTheGym an hour and a half before my shift.


20 minutes in and I get a phone call, one of the supervisors who had been routinely putting in 15 hour days to help us get through, had slipped in BOH. "Could I come in early to cover?".

"Yes of course, anything to help THE TEAM".

So I get changed and get into work, go into the office. One of the Managers, sat on the computer doing "Busy work" standard. Dw, it's not like it's so busy out on the floor that a supervisor has injured herself and I've had to come in early, unpaid. You send that email to a Furloughed Head Office.

There was another Manager who had come in on his day off to do some work on one of his KPIs. Not in uniform though, which was a clever move which meant he couldn't be drafted to the floor.

It's your day off, you do you bro. I'm not bothered by that.

But I digress...

Anywho, I ask for an update on my staffing situation. Short staffed as always. Nae Bother. I was already dead inside.

Supervisor number 2. Was on a split. 9 - 3, 5 - 1. Horrific anyway, I know. But these were the norm for everyday now.

The Manager on his day off was giving me the run down and explained that when Supervisor 1 injured herself, Supervisor 2 stayed on to help. Left at 4. So would be back at 6.

This is when Captain Email chimed in with "No, the rota is the rota. If it says she should be back at 5 then she's back at 5."

Nope. Fuck you. Not how it works.

She made a call in which in she stayed on to help the team and the venue and your response is to punish her.


Should it have been discussed. Yes.

Should he have been the one to initiate the discussion. Yes.

Remember that if at any point a member of

staff or a manager could have done something about the problem and nothing was done. It was the fault of the Manager over-all.

Most of the time if their is "power play" it is because a Manager has messed up and wishes to reassert their dominance. That is not how it should be played.

This whole thing is more common where Managers will refuse Holiday and then moan when staff don't come in on their days off.

Will expect staff to come in early but then won't let them leave early when it dies down.

If you as a management team are the first ones to make allowances for the staff then they are more likely to assist you when needed.

This kind of crappy Management is how you end up with a Staff Facebook Page full of Posts from Managers begging for someone to come in with literally 0 replies. Followed by Management having the audacity to blame it on the staff.

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