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  • Writer's pictureBlue Bartender

Physical Health and Mental Health

I wasn't going to talk about this but #ItsMyBlog and #DoWhatYouWant.

I've let myself down on this for the last 3 weeks since we went back in to Lockdown and talking about will help me, just as it did before.

This goes back to February because F**k Dry January. Not because of the concept but because of the month.

A. My Birthday is in it B. I'm a stickler for technicalities, so having a Jagerbomb at 12.01 January 1st. Already failed. C. You don't just wake up NYD with a new lease on life. Taking January to mellow out from the over indulgence back into normality is OK and I think it makes you more likely to succeed in your goals.

As with all my content. Not for everyone, just my view.

So that brings me back to GetFitFebruary.

So Last Year me and two of my best friends committed to goals. Mine were;

No Alcohol No Cigarettes 5k on the treadmill everyday. Must hit my 10,000 steps.

This was also linked to saving money due to moving and other things like that.

Anyway, nailed it. 👌 We all did. 💪

I did miss a couple of days on the treadmill due to moving all of my stuff over a weekend and working but I made those up by 15k in 1 day. Which was exhausting. I did however consistently hit my steps and the no cigarettes or alcohol.

This turned out to be more fantastic than I thought as 3weeks into March we go we went into Lockdown. Gyms Closed. I had been going over the 3weeks and had continued to hit my steps and was drinking less.

Another bit of context before I go on. I started drinking when I was... 13. At parties and stuff, and then from the age of 15 to 18. Drank every weekend. 18 - 19.5 Probably went out drinking once a week midweek maybe as I worked weekends, staff drinks weren't really a thing.

19.5 is because that's when I started Uni, so for 3 and a half years I went OUT practically every night, and by that I literally mean 95% of the time. Wednesday would be sport social so I'd be out all night. Every other day I'd be out after work. 23-25 I had just moved again and got my first proper place, went out after work 3 nights a week. Staff drink after every shift. During all of this I would never drink at home, to be fair though I was rarely ever there. Then from 25-28 I wouldn't go out as much so I would still have staff drinks and/or a drink at home, only go out every now and then but in total. I drank a lot. At University it was genuinely an ungodly amount but other than hangovers I'd never really classed it as a problem. I'd also go a week without drinking every now and then to prove a point to myself. Anywho, I was concerned in Lockdown I would just be at home drinking everyday doing fuck all.

So we go into Lockdown. Everywhere is shut. So I did what everyone else started doing. Running. Ran 6 miles for probably the first time in my life. Apparently going from 0-18miles in 3days is not so good for you, especially when you're flat footed. So I got walked for a few days and then slowly edged myself into running again. 🏃‍♂️🙃. I also realised that telling myself I couldn't have a drink until after I had completed my workouts, more often than not, I would no longer want one after anyway so I cut down to maybe one drink every 2 weeks and that hasn't changed since. All was going well but I couldn't really engage in home workouts so I did the 25 push ups a day for 25 days along side running 5k everyday in the last month of lock down which got me back into it.

I felt like I was seeing real results for the first time in my life. All from home workouts. Now, this is not me being an advocate for home workouts as this is part of the reason I'm struggling now. The results were from eating 3 - 4 meals a day, 2 litrea of water and actually getting a consistent 8 hours sleep every night. For the first time in my life. I had never had a routine before, not during school, not during college, not during uni. You get the gist. Just never.

I eventually got back into the Gym, I was doing alright in there while still in Hospitality. Then I started my new job. Got really into it, waking up a 2am to smash a work out before my 10hr shifts. My shift patterns have been fairly inconsistent and some of have been last minute so it's still not ideal. However, I do now have a much larger respect for the three basics which are Hydration and consistent food and sleep. Then Boom. Lockdown Number 3. No more Gyms 😔. Less work😌. Once again F**k Dry January

The reasons I decided to post this are;

  1. I'm trying to change the game, so hydration, consistent diet, consistent sleep and some kind of routine will be things I try to keep with in my Business for the Mental Health of my staff

  2. As I said, struggling with it atm because I'm not engaging with it the way I did before so writing about it gives me more incentive.

  3. Mental Health was a big issue before Covid and will be a much bigger issue coming out of it so I want it to be in the forefront of my mind.

  4. If you sacrifice your Mental Health for someone else then nobody wins. The gym really helps me with mine. So that comes first so I can be more helpful to others.

  5. Staff Drinks and the whole culture around alcohol was an amazing part of my life and I don't want to lose that but the world is changing so I'm going to try and do both.

  6. I now know that I have to work out in order to achieve my goals. So that's what I'm going to do.

  7. All of these tie into Self Awareness as getting more in touch with body helps you gain a greater understanding of your mind.

Let me know what you think in the comments


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