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  • Writer's pictureBlue Bartender

How am I going to structure my Management Team?

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

I tried to write this before and got too bogged down in the details so I'm going to start again and then give more detailed blogs on each Management Role separately.

A lot of Companies have come up with new titles and levels and structures but ultimately the operational breakdown of management is General Manager, Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager, Supervisor, Team Member. In that order. The amount of people per role goes down as you go higher up the chain, as does the levels within the role you're in. Eg, 4 levels of which you're a Supervisor, 3 Levels as an assistant, 2 as a Deputy and then GM is a GM.

What I plan to do differently is try and maintain the integrity in the TEAM section of the management team. Meaning 0 KPIs or specific roles or responsibilities. I will have as many Duty Managers as necessary to operate my business and they will be expected to carry out what is relevant to their shift schedule but every manager chips in to all aspects. Meaning; I plan to have stock set up and organised in such a way that at the end of every shift the Duty Manager must carry out a full stock take, which if kept organised, will take 30 minutes, same as cash reconciliation and any Compliance from the day. This will apply to the AM and PM.

I know this seems like a lot of work but that's because most venues don't have the systems in place to make it simple. Whenever I took over a new venue or new responsibility I would spend as much time in the office in the first week or sometimes two so that I could fully get my head around it and then put systems in place to ensure I would have to spend minimal time on it in the future. If you really think about all the time consuming things you have to do in the office, most of that time is back-tracking and copying and pasting, which I hate.

I fully understand that different people will have different strengths and areas which they feel more comfortable with. That's fine and I'm sure they will naturally slot themselves into those areas but Cash, Stock and Admin are the key pillars of management and no-one should be able to neglect them.

The same as I will expect with my staff, the Venue should have a full reset at the end of every day, to be back to how it was found.

Every day, without fail. If you don't care because its "someone else's problem" within the venue, then you are not a team.

At the end of every day, the till must be re-floated, all deliveries must be put away, all invoices and receipts must be processed, all necessary figures recorded.

This will all be built into my GodPlanner to make sure the work is spread evenly.

The key reasoning behind this is that almost everyone agrees that Cash, Compliance and Stock are the three most important things you can be responsible for, they must be accurate, they must be looked after at all costs. So, so, very important. Until 1 Manager leaves or goes on holiday and then it goes to shit and no-one cares for a bit. Damage is done. It either really is that important, or it's not. If it is that important then it should always be that important.

I'll say it again, for the people in the back. It is not down to whoever counts stock on a Sunday to be solely responsible for every spill, give away, f**k up, or even theft that has happened in the last 7 days and was poorly managed. Everyone should be at risk because every manager that week has contributed in either a positive or negative way to that result. So they will be accountable, on that day. The same stands with Cash and Paperwork.

Back to the human side of it. I know from personal experience and I have seen with others, the crippling anxiety felt you want some time off but you know people are going to f**k with your KPI. Not a team. Everybody cares or no-one cares.

Any issues will be discussed as a team, all systems will be discussed as a team and as with all things GodPlanner, the expected outcomes will be very clear. The route you take to get to the outcome. Not important.

Thats the main point on how I wish to operate a little differently from what I've always seen.

Management jobs outside of Duty Management such as Rotaing will be completed by myself but discussed with every member of Management, every 4 weeks being posted.

As always, let me know what you think in the comments

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