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  • Writer's pictureBlue Bartender

The Time I was Nearly Sued For Saving Someone's Life

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

A few years ago I worked in a Hybrid Venue. Cocktail Bar/ Restaurant/ Nightclub and on a Sunday we had an Industry Night that was a staples in the City for at least 10. We had our biggest DJ play, cheap drinks and a consistent base.

As with any big night outside of Fridays and Saturdays, you're going to get some scummy weirdos. Unless you have a highly successful student night that always hit capacity when you can be more exclusive.

So as always, we warm people up in the bar before moving them upstairs into the larger capacity Clubroom at about 11pm.

These nights usually tended to get a little spicy but this one in particular sticks in my mind.

Anyway, I think I've given enough context. We had a reasonable amount of customers early doors. Of these customers, there was one group of 3. Sat at the bar, being a bit annoying and chatting lots of s**t but nothing particularly ejection worthy but definitely worth keeping an eye on. This group consisted of two men and women. One of them was her partner but I couldn't particularly tell. Now the women was on crutches, she could use both legs but only gently as far as we could tell. I was hoping they'd leave before the club opened but sadly they did not. They asked about the club before she hobbled off and by that point, the venue is always pretty balls to the wall. So everyone was busy running around, getting s**t done, I did however keep an eye on these three as the woman had somehow had a miracle recovery and was tearing shit up on the dance floor. So yes, sadly it appears as though she was claiming injuries for issues not that severe. That's how it appeared as she slut dropping all over the place. Fast forward to 1o'clock and I'm called to the dance floor due to an altercation, low and behold the altercation was between the two guys over the women. In two ways. The first way was it was due to the partner becoming jealous, and the second way was that they had literally knocked her to the ground unconscious during the altercation. So we got everybody else out the way while her partner was screaming at us about her back injury, bare in mind: Still his fault. Obviously with back injuries it is very important to not move them if it can be avoided so we roped off the area and called an ambulance. During all of this, trying to keep the women safe from injury, her partner continues to scream at me, my door staff, and any by standers and then eventually starting to fight again with his "friend", literally over the top of his unconscious partner. F**k this guy. So I had removed from the premise via the rear fire exit. He immediately goes back to the main entrance, starting on Door Staff and trying to get access, so while we were waiting for an ambulance, we also had to call the police to take her partner away.

Luckily after about 20minutes she regained consciousness and got herself off the floor but was still pretty weak so we helped her out into the fire exit to sit down in a quieter setting. So at this point. Seems pretty unde control, we've checked her over for any injuries, we're taking her details. It's just me and 1 member of door staff so everyone else is out on the floor. Still no Ambulance but it seemed less urgent at the time. We were very wrong about that, she begins by dropping in and out of consciousness and then begins fitting so we safely move her onto the floor and keep her heading from hitting anything while letting the fit play out. Obviously at this point we're back on the phone to the paramedics. She then stops fitting and begins gasping for air while going into Cardiac Arrest before she stops breathing all together. So the member of door staff starts giving CPR, I honestly can't remember how long for but obviously felt like hours. During this I'm radioed to the Front Door as the police had arrived, I politely explained over the radio that I could not attend due to a customer currently dying in my rear Fire Exit. It took him a second to click and then him and another doorman ran to the fire exit to check on the women. Clue is in the title, she starts breathing again. Thank... F**k. Anyway. We give the Police Officer the details and finally, the Paramedics arrive, look over the women who was regained consciousness but is not very co-ooperative before moving her out to the Ambulance.

She's alive, it's over. I go back to my job. Which annoyingly due to pay roll restraints on a heavily discounted night would be me putting 4 hours worth of cups through the Glasswasher. I'd have a cocktail and out my headphones in. Blitzed it. Loved it. I do that for about an hour and a half before nailing the cash up. At some point during this we see the women get discharged from the Ambulance and WALK home WITH HER PARNTER.

So by now it is probably 5am. I've been at work at least 12 hours. Have to be back in at Midday the next day for a Managers Meeting. #ManzIsTired. I drop all the relevant managers a little text message briefly explaining the situation. Completed all the paperwork but did not upload it to the system.

Next Day. 11 45 am. I walk into work, my GM at the time, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation, asks me about the women from last night before stating "She's now in a wheelchair with a broken back and she says it's our fault." First response: Holy f**k, I'm going to lose my job, we're gonna get sued. I can not afford either of those things. Then about 5 seconds later I had my second thought: Nah. F**k that B***h.

Her partner started the brawl that caused the initial fall.

She regained consciousness and asked us to move her, infront of many unbiased witnesses.

We kept her safe

Both Me and the Doorstaff are First Aid Trained

The only time she could have been injured by us was during CPR. To which incase you're unaware. The alternative to that is being dead.

The police were present during the CPR so that was another credible witness.

She was looked over by Paramedics after the fact and was then discharged.

And would have been captured on our External CCTV walking away from the premises while the crutches she was on out CCTV using for the first 2hours of her night, were still upstairs.

These are all facts that I thoroughly enjoyed stating over the phone to the Vile B***h, very professionally I might add. Ending with a "if you have any more questions regarding the incident, we are more than happy to help" 😃. She was never heard from ever again.

Shit happens. The most important thing you can do is keep a level head. Prioritise staff and customer safety while covering your bases to make sure nothing bites you in the a**, even if you're doing the right thing.




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